We would like to hold a working bee on Saturday 4 March or Sunday 5 March 2017.

The main points for the working bee are

  • Refilling the sandpit
  • Planting up the retaining “mound” down by the carpark with succulents and native plants.

It doesn’t sound like much but both tasks are quite lengthy and strong upper body will be needed for the sand pit refilling and green fingers for the mound. The mound is rather large so if anyone has plenty of succulents and would be happy to donate some to us we would be very grateful. We have a good collection so far but will need much more. There is also geraniums and native plants that will need to planted out.

This will be the first of hopefully 3 working bees this year.

The next one will need to occur before winter and we will be re staining the deck, this will require some sandy and then lots of hands to paint. We also have some lovely wooden planks we use for balancing that will be done at the same time.

Our working bees have been so successful in the past and we are all so grateful for the contributions from families and business’. Being connected to Community is so important and we thank you all for your continued support.

We will inform you of the date for the subsequent working bees.

A note will go out about the choice of day for the March weekend.

Thanks once again.