Litter free living

Over the past couple of years we have been working hard to promote healthier choices. Toybox is a Lunchbox service, this means families are required to provide food for their child for Lunctime ONLY. Some examples of lunches have been included. You can see the choice of bread has been embraced and we very rarely see white bread as an option. Fresh fruit, dairy and vegetables are also key parts of the lunchbox. Many families have embraced making slices and quiches/bakes for their children with wholesome products.

We are so thankful our families have embraced the policy and can see the benefit that their children get from good food.

We would like to focus on litter free living more this year. Many families have embraced the all in one lunchboxes like the bentgo, planetbox, gogreen etc or use containers to store food. There is still some degree of waste in the form of clingwrap or zip lock bags. We would like to reduce the waste even more by asking families to provide food with no wrapping, no waste. We will then send all containers home for washing. This of course means that everything will need to be labeled. Many families are very understanding and will make notes as to the ingredients of homemade foods so that we are fully aware for allergies and intolerance purposes.

We place food on plates because we believe it is a healthier option than eating straight out of a lunchbox that can harbor bacteria. It also supports the opportunity for Educators to see what is being eaten and children don’t get overwhelmed by the amount of food on offer.

Please research products that can be used to support littler free living and support sustainable practices. We appreciate your cooperation.