Children’s belongings

We ask that all of your child’s belongings are labelled.

Items to label may include;

  • Hat
  • Water bottle
  • Lunchbox and containers within Lunchbox
  • Shoes
  • Clothing including underwear
  • Comforters
  • Dummy
  • Formula bottles and Lids
  • Formula powder containers

We appreciate your cooperation. We understand how frustrating it can be when something is either sent home or taken home by someone else by mistake. We sometimes have different staff working in the afternoon from the morning and they may not be aware that several children have the same item. In order to support the correct belonging going home please label it. Many thanks

If you use a permanent marker please be aware it will wash off in time. Sticky labels are best. There are some great online companies out there who provide high quality labels that don’t come off. 🙂