Students and Volunteers

Did you know that Toybox welcomes Students and Volunteers.

As part of our commitment to the Community and beyond Toybox will always support students wishing to gain a qualification in the industry. We support TAFE students, RTO students and Uni students. Every person wishing to have a placement with us must go through an induction process and meet certain standards before being allowed to “work” at the centre. A student will never be left alone with children and is always under direct supervision of employed educators.

Volunteers are also welcome at Toybox. Once again all persons wishing to volunteer in a child care facility have to meet criteria and are supervised at all times.

We currently have 2 volunteers at the centre and the children enjoy their interactions and time spent with them when they are here.

Toybox will have many students during this year so keep your eye out for them when they are here 🙂