Welcome to April

Hi There,

Welcome to April, Autumn and Easter.

April has been a very busy and exciting month so far. We have so many things going on and things to look forward too as well.

We welcome several new faces to our staff team, Hannah H, Carolyn, Ellen, Tara and Tina have all joined the team. Please be aware they are learning routines, children’s names and personalities and the Centre procedures but they are all super keen and happy to help.

We will be closed for Easter, Good Friday and Easter Monday.

We will also be closed for Anzac Day.

School holidays commence on Thurs 13 April so we will see some children return for school holiday care 🙂

Our swing and fencing build has almost been completed and so this paves the way for the Nursery yard upgrade to commence.

The ramp to the bottom car park has been rebuilt as it was in a dire state. The rebuild is steel framed and will last many more years to come.

Autumn has drawn in and this means cooler days, brighter mornings but getting darker sooner in the evening. We will cease to inforce hat wearing from the 30 April in accordance with our SunSmart policy. Please make sure you provide us with appropriate spare clothing as we still access the outside space even in cooler weather.

We are looking forward planting out in our new garden behind the cubby house, if you have a spare 5 minutes in the morning or afternoon, head down there and have a look.