Healthy Kids, Happy kids

The season is upon us where cold, coughs, virus and bugs  are present.

Toybox is very conscientious with regards to supporting Healthy kids, Happy kids.

There is an index of conditions we will exclude for but we also rely on families being proactive and not sending their children into care when they are unwell. Our staff are very prompt and act in accordance with our policy of contacting families if children become unwell at care.

We also have a strong belief in fresh air and a continual flow of ventilation in all rooms all day. This means we rely on families to provide suitable clothing and dress their children accordingly to weather conditions.

Our staff are very proactive with healthy procedures – tissues are always available and handwashing is an essential part of our day all day everyday.

There will be runny noses, coughs and colds but if a child is coming to the end of a virus they are no longer contagious and their body is simply getting to the end of the cycle. You may observe children you think should not be at care, but I can assure you that the staff have gone to every length to ensure the health and wellbeing of your child is our main priority.

Toybox support our staff health too and if they are unwell they follow the same procedures as what we implement with families and children.

Our centre is clean and resources are cleaned daily and staff follow personal protective processes at all times.

Bugs can be picked up from any source and anywhere in the community. You may be a carrier and not have the symptoms but pass into your children inadvertently. Sadly this is the nature of airborne bugs.

Working together through the “cold” season will help families stay healthy, staff stay healthy and above your precious children stay healthy.

Thank you everyone