Governing Council 2016-2017

Toybox held their annual AGM on 27 September 2016.

The chairperson, Peter Wood, stepped down after 8 years on the Toybox Committee. It was sad to see Peter go but we wish him all the best for the future. Progression is a positive step in the right direction. We also fare welled Erinn Harrington (Secretary on the Committee for many years) and Jess Collins.

We wish Erinn and Jess all the very best for the future, their contributions and time on the Committee was so very much appreciated.

This year we welcome Helen Partridge ( Chairperson) Megan Pobke (Secretary), Kim Hartley, Deirdre Turvey and Halie Evison

Members who remained on the Committee are Pip Murphy, Sally Wilson, Tiffany Franklin and Mel Berkhuizen. Pip is the Vice Chairperson while Tiff has remained treasurer.

If you would like to join the Toybox Committee please see Chantelle – there are still some places available.