Nursery Room
Our Nursery room provides care for infants from 6 weeks to 2 years. Our ratio is 1 educator to 4 babies. The room has a self contained kitchen separate cot room and spacious bathroom. The main play area and outside area are dually accessed and the nursery yard is contained to ensure that your child can explore, play and develop in safety and at their own pace. When the time is right your child may start accessing the over 2’s outside play space with an educator. A program is available for families to have input into and also to look through to see what the educators have provided for your child. Each child has a portfolio containing photos, videos and observations/learning stories about your child and the way they have developed. Your baby is nurtured, supported and cared for in a holistic environment. We aim to help them feel safe and confident to learn and develop.
Toddler Room
Our Toddler room provides care for children aged 2 to 3 years. Our ratio is 1 educator to 5 children. The room has full access to an undercover verandah and the main outside play space which has been recently renovated. The room has a main bathroom and a separate changing facility for children who are not yet toilet trained. Toddlers have access to many resources that support and develop their language skills, social development as well as all other areas of learning. A program is available for families to have input into and also to look through to see what the educators have provided for your child. Each child has a portfolio containing photos, videos and observations/learning stories about your child and the way they have developed. Our approach to learning is very hands on and explorative. Encouraging your Toddler to “have a go”.
Kindy Room
Our Kindy Room provides care for children aged 3 to school age. Our ratio is 1 educator to 10 children. The room has full access to an undercover veranda and the main outside play space which has been recently renovated. There are full bathroom facilities for children, and those who are still toilet training are supported and considered in our centre. Our youngest aged kindy children (3 year olds) are offered an opportunity to explore, experiment, problem solve, enquire, hypothesise, research and investigate in a safe and supportive environment. By allowing the children to learn and develop these skills we have found that by the time they start Kindergarten they are more resilient and confident learners. We provide care for when children do not attend Kindergarten. School readiness is incorporated into the program daily. This does not mean we teach your child to read or write but instead assist your child in learning foundational skills that will support further development in a classroom in school. Each child has a portfolio containing photos, videos and observations/learning stories about your child and the way they have developed.
In all our programs and underpinning our education and care we reflect against the Early Years Learning Framework. Our educators have knowledge and training in areas such as Montessori, Marte Meo, Circle of Security, Reggio Emilio and Nature Pedagogy. We fully believe by having knowledge of many theories around learning and development we enrich your child’s day and support their brain development to be confident, resilient, considerate, respectful and empathetic citizens in our community.